Document Type

Honors Project

Publication Date



Since David Cronenberg seemingly broke from the genres of science fiction and body horror, scholarship surrounding his work has shifted away from questions of the body and technology. However, his recent return to the conventions of these genres in the film Crimes of the Future (2022) requires us to return to these questions. Through the work of Deleuze and Guattari, I analyze the ways in which technology interacts with the body as a factor of technological development, along with the ramifications of technology for the production of subjectivity and organization of sexuality. I use this to demonstrate one possible political function which Cronenberg's films can serve through the CCRU and Steven Shaviro's conceptions of an accelerationist aesthetics. I conclude by demonstrating the relevance of my analysis for Cronenberg's work outside of the science fiction and body horror genres.

Level of Honors

cum laude


Film Studies


Kate Rennebohm
