
Creation Date
Materials: Charcoal
Dimensions: 24 x 18 inches
Project Advisor: Tony Conrad
Year of Graduation: 2020
Copyright for this work is held by the artist.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Artist Statement
I create portraits in the pursuit of self-reflection, both for myself and others. I often find myself marveling at humanity- both our capacity for individual, rational thought and the systems and rules we create as a collective. The state of being alive is wonderful, painful, and confusing, and I wish to prompt discussion of these topics.
I find myself consistently drawn to relationships as I find them to be a near universal human experience. I wish to ask the viewer to reflect on the ways their identity interacts with their relationships- does one find it easy to trust? How does one handle rejection? What causes someone to feel loved or isolated? In what ways do our relationships with others bring us pain and joy, and how do these things influence the way we value ourselves?