
Creation Date
Material: 16mm film, wood, thread
Project Advisor: Benjamin D. Rinehart, John Shimon
Year of Graduation: 2019
Copyright for this work is held by the artist.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Artist Statement
I started working with 16mm film after having worked with digital film making. I learned to work with a Bolex camera to shoot my own footage and to directly animate on found footage to make 16mm films. In the process of creating handmade cinema, I found myself mesmerized by the film strip itself. The faded sequences of photographs printed onto these pieces of plastic depict motion so beautifully. Frame to frame, time and motion is stopped in this tiny series of photographs. When the strips of film are projected, the illusion of motion is created.
In my woven pieces I break the illusions of cinema. By making film into something still and tangible, I am taking away its illusory power. These woven strips of film condense time into something that in a moment, surrounds the viewer.
I think I am very attracted to thingness. Making things, holding things, I think this is why I am so interested in taking a film strip and delicately weaving the pieces together. I used found footage from a films made by the American Dental Association, a music video for a song about the hazards of smokeless tobacco, a consumer/homemaking video of a food plant, and an ad for coffee creamer. Sorting through these films, I was interested in the beauty of the individual frames and by weaving these sequences together, I create a field of images that are not interested in their original narratives, but rather the small moments they depict.