
Creation Date
Materials: Mixed, plaster, metal coil
Dimensions: 2.5 x 2 x 0.5 feet
Project Advisor: Meghan Sullivan
Year of Graduation: 2017
Copyright for this work is held by the artist.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Artist Statement
I would like to focus on frustration, confusion, and chaos. I typically do not like personalizing my work, but in this one instance, where I must explain myself as a person with mission, as an artist, it only now seems obligatory, so everyone here can better understand me and my art. I have found, as a close friend once and repeatedly told me, that growing up, I lacked a real, solid foundation or rock to work upon; real inspiration to look to whenever I was lost or afraid, sad or angry. And only for the past few years I had realized this.
For me, growing up or experiencing life, then and now, is a strange aimlessness without a precise description. It is like falling down an infinite space full of variant colors and lights, shaken about in a cloudy snow globe, in a repetitive loop, by giant, invisible hand, like God or fate; whichever or whatever.
So much randomness. So many questions. No real, satisfying answers.
Sometimes, I still feel like a small child moving randomly through this directionless, dream-like space called reality.
There is no clarity, no real sense of knowing, but that is okay. At least I think it is okay.
Immanuel Velikovsky, in his book Worlds in Collision, makes two interesting claims: 1.) the elements that compose our bodies are no different from the chaos that fills our universe, known and unknown, and 2.) human history is comparable to the repressed childhood memories of an individual. With that in mind, Velikovsky posits a fascinating theory that human history, prehistoric and beyond, was and still is shaped by natural phenomena under the influence of otherworldly events in and around deep space.
There are people who like to have everything prepared, and those who do not and go headlong into the exciting uncertainty of their lives.
Is there a universal fate within all of us that we cannot escapes, no matter how hard we try?
How have my repressed childhood memories, past traumas, and decisions, ill or not, influenced the universal chaos within my own body?
Some people prefer drugs to get that amazing, transcendental high, but I prefer using my limitless imagination and sporadic thinking, the many questions I have about myself, life, human nature, and the chaotic uncertainty of the universe to give me that high, and in sense, drive my art.
I work in reaction to things that happen in my life, without any real plan or agenda, whether it be intellectually or emotionally. It could be because of something I read or consumed, or wrote or heard, or felt or smelled, or witnessed with my own two eyes. It can be out of anger, frustration, sadness, grief, happiness, or confusion.
Everything I make is a reaction to the things that happen, or I would like to see happen.
Life is meant to be random, and I want to embrace that beautiful and mysterious randomness.