Presidential Addresses
Submissions from 2024
Matriculation Convocation, Laurie A. Carter
Submissions from 2023
Leading Lawrence into the Future, Laurie A. Carter and Peter Blitstein
Addresses from 2022
Time to Shine, Laurie A. Carter
The Inauguration of President Laurie A. Carter, Lawrence University
Addresses from 2021
Comfort with Discomfort, Laurie A. Carter
Addresses from 2020
Finding Home: Belonging During a Pandemic, Mark Burstein
Addresses from 2019
Is Our Future Too Hot to Handle?, Mark Burstein
Addresses from 2018
Standing with the Statue of Liberty, Mark Burstein
Addresses from 2017
Matriculation Convocation 2017: What Do We Stand For?, Mark Burstein
Addresses from 2016
Matriculation Convocation 2016: Together, Against the Current, Mark Burstein
Addresses from 2015
For Mature Audiences Only: A Liberal Arts Education, Mark Burstein
Addresses from 2014
Sustaining Dialogue: Educating for a Diverse Society, Mark Burstein
Addresses from 2006
Liberal Philosophy, Free Discussion, and Individualized Learning at Lawrence, Jill Beck
Addresses from 2005
A Question of Values: Community Engagement, Altruism, and Liberal Education, Jill Beck
Addresses from 2004
The Value of Individualized Instruction in Liberal Education, Jill Beck
Addresses from 2003
In Praise of Seriousness, Richard Warch
Addresses from 2002
Liberal Education and Civic Engagement, Richard Warch
Addresses from 2001
The Better Angels of Our Nature, Richard Warch
Addresses from 2000
The Campus Business, Richard Warch
Addresses from 1999
Musings on the Millennium, Richard Warch
Addresses from 1998
Dogfish and Sonnets (Some Thoughts on Unmediated Learning), Richard Warch
Addresses from 1997
Tough-Minded or Thin-Skinned, Richard Warch
Addresses from 1996
Sesquicentennial, Richard Warch
Addresses from 1995
Autodidacts, Cyberspace, Students, and Bjorklunden, Richard Warch
Addresses from 1994
Our Account of Ourselves: Conversations and the Lawrence Community, Richard Warch
Addresses from 1993
Playing by the Rules, Richard Warch
Addresses from 1992
Practicing What We Preach: Scholarship and the Aims of Liberal Education, Richard Warch
Addresses from 1991
You and I and Us and Them, Richard Warch
Addresses from 1989
Living in the Bubble: Lawrence and the Rest of the Real World, Richard Warch
Addresses from 1988
Sex, Gender, and Coeducation, Richard Warch
Addresses from 1987
Miss Manners Goes to College, Richard Warch
Addresses from 1986
That's the Deal, Richard Warch
Addresses from 1985
Look Again, Look Again!, Richard Warch
Addresses from 1984
Liberal Education, Careerism, and the World of Work, Richard Warch
Addresses from 1982
A Terrible Business, Richard Warch
Addresses from 1981
Bland Ambition, Richard Warch
Addresses from 1980
Sailing Toward Oceania, Richard Warch
Addresses from 1979
Unamuno Begs to Differ, Richard Warch
Addresses from 1922
How to Secure World Peace, Samuel Plantz
Addresses from 1921
Limitation of Armaments, Samuel Plantz
Addresses from 1920
Famous Article X, Samuel Plantz
Harding Bows to the Irreconcilables, Samuel Plantz
Addresses from 1919
Lessons from the World War, Samuel Plantz
The League of Nations, Samuel Plantz
Addresses from 1901
Address upon the asssassination of President William McKinley, Samuel Plantz
Addresses from 1894
Inaugural address, Samuel Plantz