Senior Exhibition 2014 Gallery

Creation Date
Materials: Watercolor and Ink
Dimensions: 8x10 inches each
Project Advisor: Rob Neilson
Year of Graduation: 2014
Copyright for this work is held by the artist.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Artist Statement
My imagination functions in a very escapist manner. I have a tendency to ruminate on the particular quirks that arise in day-to-day life. These quirks manifest themselves in people and occurrences, and through removed observation and my twisted imagination I am able to make up all kinds of weird little stories.
Dovetailing off a previous study on typography, I find myself continually interested in the presentation of text and the process of hand lettering. I like the idea of juxtaposing the cutesiness of rhyming poetry with dry humored subject matter, and the storybook format allowed me to present both elements in a harmonious way. I chose to render the illustrations in a cartoonish aesthetic in an effort to simplify larger ideas into more relatable forms.
Themes that arose while working on Storybook Escapism were those of ascension and transformation.